Thursday, May 28, 2009

Ignition (357)

For the past month, I've been trying to paint abstract sketches and I have done a couple. This is Ignition, tonight's effort. I just try to push the paint around and react to the shapes that evolve. I will probably start a more figurative painting this weekend. But this exercise is intended to get some practice with brush strokes. This is a very limited umber to yellow pallet and is acrylic with medium on watercolor paper. I have rotated it from the way that I initially painted it because I walked in the room and saw it this way and liked it.

The time to hesitate is through

No time to wallow in the mire

(Light my Fire--The Doors)


  1. What a great birthday present you will have when this is finished!

  2. Indeed--" time to wallow in the mire"!

    Time to "join in the circle of Life". (Lion King)

    Your acrylic painting is very good--meaningful personally AND to a larger audience.

    Good work!


Please take a moment to comment on my work. I appreciate the feedback.