Monday, October 19, 2009

IF: Frozen (219)

It won't be long...

Once or maybe twice a year it snows to amount to anything around this part of the United States. I live in the Tidewater region of Maryland on the Eastern Shore of the Chesapeake Bay. These blackbirds are very tough and scavange for whatever they can find. Here they came in behind the squirrels who usually leave very little.


  1. Lovely drawing--the snow looks so light and fluffy. I really admire the way you can bring these ordinary scenes to life with pencil.

  2. Great drawing! There is just something about fat little black birds in the snow that makes me nostalgic...

  3. Great drawing, impressive. It is not easy to draw a snowy landscape and you did a fantastic job.

  4. Beautiful drawing. I love the birds.


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